IRS7 Steigenberger Frankfurter Hof, Frankfurt, Germany

How do we achieve an efficient railway system in the digital era?

The IRS7 conference programme explored rail’s new digital landscape, giving delegates opportunities to learn, meet, and be inspired by fresh ideas during 14 hours of debate: from connecting rail to a wider network in smart cities to connecting countries and continents, from visions of the sector’s future to attracting the investment needed to make them a reality. Everything from 5G to 3D.


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10:00 - 19:00 Summit Welcome Desk, VIP Lounge, Hotel Reception Area

Delegates registered at the International Railway Summit welcome desk and receive their delegate packs and summit badges

Technical Visits Registration (Groups A and B)

13:45-14:00 Hotel Lounge

Delegates attending the technical visits gathered in the lounge for departure.

Transfer to Technical Visits (Group A)

14:00-14:15 Hotel Lounge

Transfer to Technical Visits (Group B)

14:00-14:30 Hotel Lounge

Technical Visit - Group A - Skydeck think tank @ DB Systel

14:15-15:45 Silver Tower, DB Systel

Skydeck – the creative space of DB Systel – invited participants to explore and get to know DB Systel's activities, methods and prototypes. The visit began by going deeper into innovation and digitisation methods and activities as well as exploring a bit of Skydeck's history. DB Systel shared best practices, lessons learned and insights. Afterwards there was a chance to experience some of the company's showcases and technologies – for example EVE, a virtual reality application which is used within the DB Group.

Technical Visit - Group B - VGF Infrastructure Tour


Frankfurt’s main local transport operator, VGF, which runs services on 9 underground and 10 tram lines, took delegates on an infrastructure tour, including major transport hub Konstablerwache station. VGF Managing Director and Chief Technology Officer Michael Rüffer led the tour, which begins at VGF’s headquarters, highlighting innovations and modernisations made in recent years.


Michael Rüffer

Managing Director


Technical Visits - Group A - Transfer to DB suburban train maintenance depot

15:45-16:15 Silver Tower, DB Systel

Technical Visits - Group B - Transfer to Skydeck think tank @ DB Systel

16:00-16:30 Rohrbachstraße Station

Technical Visits - Group A - DB suburban train maintenance depot


Visit description will appear here soon

Technical Visits - Group B - Skydeck think tank @ DB Systel

16:30-18:00 Silver Tower, DB Systel

Skydeck – the creative space of DB Systel – invited participants to explore and get to know DB Systel's activities, methods and prototypes. The visit began by going deeper into innovation and digitisation methods and activities as well as exploring a bit of Skydeck's history. DB Systel shared best practices, lessons learned and insights. Afterwards there was a chance to experience some of the company's showcases and technologies – for example EVE, a virtual reality application which is used within the DB Group.

Technical Visits - Group A - Transfer to Hotel


Technical Visits - Group B - Transfer to Hotel

18:00-18:15 Silver Tower, DB Systel

Welcome Reception

19:00 - 19:30 Salon 14

Delegates gathered and got to know each other during a drinks reception in Salon 14 of the Steigenberger Frankfurt Hof hotel.

Welcome Dinner

19:30 - 22:00 Salon 15

Delegates sat down to enjoy a 3-course welcome dinner in Salon 15 of the Steigenberger Frankfurter Hof hotel, hearing from Stefan Stroh, Chief Digital Officer of Deutsche Bahn, and Jules Omura, Managing Director of the summit's organisers IRITS Events.


Stefan Stroh

Chief Digital Officer

Deutsche Bahn

Post-dinner Networking

22:00- Autoren Bar